i have a bunch of 20 round mags made for the TU711 they are 9mm also have a bunch of original 7.65 . i made one 30 rounder iout of two 20 rounders,went to the emergency room working on it almost lost the end of my thumb on a table saw. think i have just one 10 rounder. the upper for my schnell is 9mm its on atf books as a 7.65 but its the frame that has the serial number not the upper. i bought the upper on line for a couple grand ,holster and upper complete 9mm sent it off to be rebored to 9mm and the gun smith sent it back and said it was already 9mm and pointed out it was a ss. deaths head stamped into bottom of barrel he also said the gun was not a rebore but original 9mm. i only have the one schnell but 13 red nines, i also have a 7.65 that was mentioned in c96 Mauser broom handle ,it was given to a English pilot during ww1 for downing his first German flyer