Author Topic: C96 Grips  (Read 6735 times)

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C96 Grips
« on: January 16, 2022, 01:20:42 PM »
Generally speaking, how are grips suppose to fit on a wartime commercial C96?  Specifically, does the wood generally align with the edge of both straps or are tolerances allowed when the wood extends a bit over the straps?  I have examined many pictures of wartime commercials and almost always find the grips align perfect with the rear strap.  It’s the alignment variations I notice on the along the length of the front strap as well as the bottom I have questions with.   If I understand correctly, the overall quality of wartime commercial broomhandles was compromised as the war progressed.  Could grip quality and fit fall into this analysis?  Any comments regarding wartime commercial C96’s would be great!