Hi there,
I'm a "Newbie" to collecting HSc's....but.......not to collecting WWII weapons.
This very Pistol is listed on GunBroker.com and is due to end on 4 Feb 2014. Just do a search in Gun Broker for - HSc - and it'll be displayed.
I've seen many different shades-of-German WWII-phosphate and this one doesn't fit-in. Now.....this doesn't mean it's NOT original....just looks more nickel and stainless steel to me and these 2 possible finishes were also mentioned by another member previously on this Thread.
Also.......this pistol was to have been sold for $1,250.00 per the last 'link' given in Duster42's post?? Now it's up for sale again?? I'm confused....
I'm just wondering.........IF.......this 'Finish" might be original or not.
Thanks for indulging-me on this......or......banning me. lol
Take care.......