Author Topic: .22 Caliber conversion kit for 9mm Mauser Military Pistol  (Read 12167 times)

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.22 Caliber conversion kit for 9mm Mauser Military Pistol
« on: November 22, 2013, 07:16:17 AM »
I thought there might be some interest is seeing my .22 Caliber conversion kit for 9mm Mauser Military Pistol. It appears to be a modern made kit. This is a conversion kit which will permit the shooting of .22 caliber short ammunition through a 9mm "Red Nine" Mauser Military pistol. It is device which make it into a single shot pistol where each .22 caliber round is placed into a shell holder and this is chamber and fired through the .22 caliber barrel insert. I have not tried it but I don't think the recoil energy from the .22 cal short round will have sufficient energy to compress the recoil spring used for the 9mm ammunition. That is reason why I think it is a single shot unit.  The device is still in its original factory box and appears to be unused. The pistol must be disassembled for the installation of the barrel insert as it is inserted from the chamber towards the muzzle. When installed, there is a special combination tool which is used to tighten the barrel insert to the 9mm barrel.  The .22 caliber short ammunition is loaded into shell holder and the rounds into the magazine. The special design of the base of the shell holder permits the firing of rim fire ammunition ina center fire pistol. I don't suspect any feeding problems as the shell holders are copies of the regular ammunition used in the pistol but I've never used it. There are a total of six shell holders.The markings inscribed on the barrel are:"Lothar Walther PTRD-7923 Konigsbronn 151Kal. .22 Short/9mm Para"The combination tool wrench which was used to tighten the barrel into the 9mm barrel can also be used for pushing out the expended cases from the shell holders. This kit comes in its original box with a cleaning brush.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 07:44:55 PM by Bigboy99 »


There are no problems which can not be solved by the application of high explosives, Teflon tape or WD-40 but not necessarily in that order.


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Re: .22 Caliber conversion kit for 9mm Mauser Military Pistol
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 02:49:03 PM »
Very nice. These were made by Lothar Walther, still a renowned barrel maker, in the 1970s. Just about any pistol type was supported, I have them for the P08 and the Mauser HSc / 1914/34. Barrels were made in several calibres, including 4mm M20, .22 short and .22lr.

They are well made and a nice addition to the guns.