Pistols > Mauser P38 Pistol

Russian dipped P38's


How do you know if a P38 has been Russian dipped? I have read that some were stamped with an X and some were not. Also was wondering about the cut grips. Is there a noticeable cut line? Any information would be appreciated.

HWaA the dipped pistols will have a black jelly bean luster that will hide the original finish.  They also dipped over the S and F so it will appear to be black and not painted. Thirdly the locking and pin at the rear will appear dark blued but not to be confused by the light bluing of some late Spreewerk locking blocks and pin. On the Walther and Mauser P.38's the locking blocks and pins are always in the white unless dipped.

I hope this was helpful.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I have wondered for some time how to determine this. Have read all I could find online but never really got what I was looking for. Your information has been very helpful. Really appreciate it.

You might also want to visit Mark Castel's informative site:  http://www.p38guns.com/.  He has a wealth of information on the P.38 (and other WWII weapons) including Post-War Russian and VOPO.  Good luck in your search!


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