Pistols > General Mauser Pistol Questions

Mauser Pocket Pistols Book


I've seen several copies of a book called "Mauser Pocket Pistols 1910-1946" by Roy G. Pender for sale online. Most of these seem to be around  $200. Is this forty five year old book still worth getting or is it outdated ?

Yes, it is the best reference on the pocket and vest pocket models and the abundance of use markings. If you plan on collecting the .25 or .32 caliber pistols you should buy it first IMHO. It may be a bit dated and have a few incorrect theories but you can learn those as you go.


Currently (5-17-17) there is a copy on eBay that has some issues but the price is $65. Very reasonable if all you care about is the information contained within it.
On second look it appears that it was misprinted and bound wrong so some of the written material was cut off the top of the pages. Maybe not so great of a buy after all


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