I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what has been happening with my 1941 HsC. On two occasions I have lost the extractor, both plungers, and the extractor spring when firing the gun. The first time I recovered the extractor and both plungers, then ordered a spring kit from Wolff to replace the spring. One shot out of the "fixed" gun and all the same parts launched into space. I found all of them using a magnet pickup tool and re-installed them. Both times that I lost the extractor I had loaded the magazine to the full 8-round capacity and had trouble getting the first round to load ( I use FMJ ball ammo), but eventually got the round to chamber. Then when first round was fired the extractor and related parts blew out of the gun.
When I got the gun re-assembled the second time , I was cautious and put a strip of electrical tape across the extractor to hold it in place. I then loaded the magazine with only 7 rounds. The gun fired and extracted perfectly, including two re-loads with seven rounds each time. I am reluctant to fire the gun without the tape strip holding the extractor in, I was fortunate to recover the parts twice already and don't want to go looking for them again! Does anyone have an idea what may have happened here--did t
loading 8 rounds into the mag/failure to feed bump the extractor out to where it was able to fall out easily? Is the spring not putting enough pressure on the extractor to hold it in place? Any thoughts welcome!
Thank you, George