Greetings All,
New member here from Virginia. I'm a longtime Mauser rifle fan (K98k, GEW98, Brazilian 1908, Argentine 1909, Vz.24, Swedish 96 & 38), and I recently got into my first Mauser 1914 pistol, from Simpson Ltd (SN 249971 with 1920 inventory mark). It has a non-matching serial-numbered magazine: 128587-1. If you have the pistol with this SN and would like to obtain this matching magazine, I'd be willing to take any suitable period magazine in decent shape in trade. Will provide pics to interested parties, of course.
I'm quite impressed with the quality of these pistols. After detail stripping mine, it was a real treat to see the expert workmanship and fine finishing of every single part, reminiscent of my 1915-made commercial P.08. They couldn't make a pistol like this today for five times what these old timers cost.
I'm really enjoying this site. Looking forward to learning more about these fine guns.
Warm regards,