« on: January 21, 2022, 02:13:53 AM »
Hello all, I'm hoping the fine people on this forum can help me with a task my father has set me on. My dad has asked me to find him a nice collector grade C96 pistol. While he does want the ability to shoot the gun, it will serve primarily as an investment/display pistol and won't be fired much.
He is looking for a good condition, unrestored pistol, that has military acceptance markings. Numbers need to be matching and of course the shoulder stock must be in good condition.
Now I have been doing a bit of reading and watching videos on the subject but, am far from knowledgeable when it comes to military surplus. But it seems like most/all of the pistols on gunbroker and gunsinternational are either incomplete, non-matching, or have been restored. Do you have any suggestions on where I might be able to find a pistol for my dad?
thank you