« on: January 08, 2017, 02:10:21 AM »
As a retired U.S. Army officer, I've always enjoyed military history and memorabilia. Given retired pay (started some years ago) doesn't allow for a really big collection, I have a few. I just recently picked up a 1903 Springfield (w/bandoleer) and a 1944 serial number M1 Garand. I also have a Yugo M48 for which I need to find clips and Ammo. However, how I obtained the C96 Mauser below I think is interesting. It is all original. I can post more pix in a separate post or two, unless there's a way to post multiple pictures. I had a friend come over one day. He showed me this C96. He said his father brought it back from WWII. It sat in his fathers closet for over 50 years. Subsequently, his father passed away. Knowing I liked guns of all kinds, he said he didn't really have any interest in it and said he'd like me to have it. How could I refuse?You can see how worn the case is and what surely look like homemade repairs with tacks and brass. The strap and the cord appear to be original to the gun as well.According to oldguns.net, the date of manufacture for the serial number (198345) is 1911 - 1915 but also says "standard prewar commercial models fall in the 39,000 to 274,000.I'm anxious to have your observations and comments. I also need to find a great C96 gunsmith to check it out for me if you know of any. I don't intend to restore it, but perhaps clean it up to prevent further deterioration. I'd love to shoot it. Many more pix, but only four here. Thanks all!Lou2016 Utah State Cowboy Action Shooting Champion (Cattle Baron Class) (Old Farts) 😇NRA Life