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Topics - mauserfan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Looking for new owner of this web site forum
« on: January 18, 2025, 01:18:01 PM »
Hello all,
I am growing weary of managing this web site and I'm looking for someone to take over the reigns.  This forum has over 1650 members with similar interests, from all over the world.  The conversations in the forum groups have a wealth of historical knowledge by old timer experts who have been there done that.  Some no longer with us, and so their knowledge is a valuable asset to the collector community.

If you are technically inclined and can manage the web site yourself, or if you have financial resources to pay a web management person to maintain it, I'd like to chat. 
Please private message me.

Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / Check Your Spam Folder
« on: January 23, 2023, 12:35:28 PM »
If you are attempting to register with our web site, or have posted content.  Email from us seems to get stuck in many email provider SPAM or JUNK folders.  Look for our emails there and "whitelist" our email / domain.  Or add us to your contact list so that it is more likely to get delivered to your Inbox.
Thank you!


Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / Forum Upgrades
« on: August 09, 2022, 02:39:03 PM »
We have upgraded the forum software to the latest version, in prep for a move to a new server.  If you see any problems, they are likely related.

General Discussion / Remembering Warbird - Alan Burnham
« on: May 25, 2021, 02:12:13 PM »
I was informed today that one of our long time members and fellow moderator of the site has passed away.  Alan Burnham was known as Warbird here on the site and was a wealth of knowledge, of which, he was always willing to share.  He was an early member of the site and with well over 620 posts, he was very active.  He helped moderate posts on this site and I assume others as well.  Some of you may have bought his book on Mausers, I know I did.
We salute Alan and wish him God Speed.

Tim Burke

Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / MISSING Posts
« on: March 17, 2020, 01:21:43 PM »
I'm very sorry to state that I had messed up the forum yesterday and deleted any posts older than 90 days.  As such, I had to revert back to an older backup and many newer messages and posts have been lost.  I apologize for the problem.  Please repost your questions / answers if you can.  Also, any recent new members may need to recreate their logins. However, I am attempting to recreate those if possible.


Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / Forum Updated 3-7
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:58:53 PM »
We have upgraded the Forum software package today. Some users may have seen error messages during the 1 hour it was being worked on.  Please let me know if you see anything weird going on or error messages.  Shouldn't be any problems but you never know.

A really good show if you can make it.

Also the JAG military show at the same time, same place.

The National Gun Day & Civil War Show will be held on Feb 28th - Mar 1st, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky. This Louisville gun show will be held at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center and hosted by National Gun Day Promotions of Kentucky. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed.

Will be hosted in the North Wing.

For more information about the National Gun Day & Civil War Show contact National Gun Day Promotions. All inquiries should be made directly to the Louisville gun show promoter. Including vendors and dealers looking for tables at the gun show.

Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / System Outage 7/25 - 7/28
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:32:36 AM »
Sorry for the weekend outage everyone.  I had applied some security patches that locked everything down too tight.  Should be good now, let me know if it is not.

WTP / Takedown Method for WTP 1
« on: April 08, 2014, 06:00:57 PM »
See attached scan of a take down instruction from an old Rifleman magazine (if I recall correctly where I got it).

Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / test
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:42:51 PM »
test from TIm

General Discussion / What do you think of the new forum
« on: April 20, 2013, 09:59:27 AM »
Don't everyone post at once!  What do you think of the new forum?  This is the same technology used on many other gun forums which should make things better going forwards.


Non Gun Items / Mauser Micrometer
« on: December 13, 2012, 05:02:55 PM »
One of the things I like to collect are non-gun items made by Mauser. Mauser made all kinds of non-gun items such as typewriters, hair clippers, cigarette lighters, and tools such as this Micrometer I recently bought.

Which came with the original old wood box with Mauser stamped into the lid and part of the paper label still showing on the side of the box.  It also has the original German handbook and warranty booklet, and a small adjusting tool.   

Collecting other items such as the original Manuals that came with your favorite pistol is fun to find.  But beware, there are many copies and replicas around.  You'll pay good money for original manuals.

I also have a Mauser branded swiss army style knife made by Victronox, bullets in their original German boxes (8MM), tons of pictures and postcards of WW1 & WW2 soldiers holding their Mausers and various accessories.  Of course I have collected many books on Mausers, and some modern pins, patches and t-shirts. 

I'm not looking to part with this micrometer, as it is in pristine condition with all of the items that would have come from the factory, but I see them often on Ebay.

Do a search for "Micrometer + Mauser" and then save it to your favorite searches. You can save that search and tell Ebay to send you an email anytime a new item is listed that matches.  I see two on there now starting at $1 + shipping, but without boxes. Over time, you'll see them ocassionally listed with boxes, or paperwork, etc. 

You can also often find the Calipers that Adler shows above on Ebay in various conditions, with and without plastic Mauser labeled pouches. I have one of these too in my collection.  I also have some plastic water guns in the shape of a 1914 pocket pistol, and a C96 water gun.  I even found a french pulp fiction book called "Le Mauser ne s'use que si l'on s'en sert" which shows some 1950's busty babe pulling an HSC out of her thigh high's... but I can only read a little french... I'm sure it's a gripping novel.  I think the title is "Only wear a Mauser if you plan to make use of it".

What non-gun items do you collect?  What have you found out there? Did you know there is a Mauser museum in Obendorf Germany that includes many non-gun items, including a 3 wheel motor bike and a car?  Who has visited this museum?  Here's the URL for the Waffenmuseum in Oberndorf:

Never enough Mausers!

Tim Burke

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