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Messages - fred klinknagel

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: February 04, 2019, 04:19:12 PM »
I'll agree .


C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: February 03, 2019, 03:34:30 PM »
In the book : Kleine waffen -Bibliothek- Heft 3- MauserStreifenlader Teil 2 .
Written by H.B Lockhoven.
-model 1916/1920 this is the shortend barrel 9 mm,rear sight fixed
- model 1912/1920 this is the shortend barrel 7,63 kaliber with the normal grip.
-model 1920 export,Bolo Mauser,factory made with 100mm barrel,small grip.

From the German weaponmagazine : Visier,March 2002:
Mauser build the compact models before 1914 but massproduction and sales to Russia and China
makes the Bolo famous.

And from many articles and books I have seen :
My opinion : some one at some time linked the short ,smallframe mauser,build in 1920 .
Most of them exported to Russia/China tot Blosheviks and named them Bolo.
In the years the name "bolo" became the nickname for every short model C96

Best regards ,Fred

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: January 31, 2019, 04:44:48 PM »
Yes I think so too,and Mauser sold many to the russians so over the years we called the short
pistols all "Bolo"
So what is correct ? the old models with short barrel and small grips,6 and 10 shot mags are the
[size=78%] officer's [/size][/size][size=78%]models ? Then came the shortend models afther WW1 because of the " versailles" that forbid the 9mm[/size]
calibers and barrels longer than 100mm ?( called the 1920 reworks ?). ( but I have seen shortend
"red 9 models) .
And afther that Mauser began production of the short model in 7,63x25 with in large numbers
were sold to Russia ?( nick named Bolo ? )
I dont know. But it is very interesting.
regards Fred

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: January 31, 2019, 02:32:10 PM »
Could it be ,that over the years it became common to name every short barrel C96 "bolo"?
Like every MP40 is called schmeisser ?


C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: January 29, 2019, 04:27:28 PM »
Hello, To my opinion : the name Bolo belongs to the models with short barrel and small grip,
witch can be used with the shoulder stock.Caliber 7,63x25.
The 1920 reworks with short barrels are not actual Bolo.Because not originally made with short barrels but shortend afther WW1 ( versailles ! )And as know do not have the small grip.

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Officers pistol or Bolo discussion
« on: January 29, 2019, 03:34:52 PM »
Hello,this Bolo Mauser,de-milled ( holes drilled and welding) was sold Sunday 27 th,on an auction
in Germany. 1231 euro.

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: M1930
« on: January 19, 2019, 01:36:48 PM »
This is the only picture I have ever seen of Knil soldiers with Mauser c96.

regards Fred

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: M1930
« on: January 19, 2019, 05:00:25 AM »
Very interesting,I did not know that the Knil used M1930 Mauser pistols.
Believed they were using C96 from WW1.Have seen info that German troops at the end of
the great war,retreated thru the south of Holland (Limburg ) and left there weapons on the Dutch
border.Some of the Mauser's found the way to the Knil.

regards Fred

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Made in China
« on: January 10, 2019, 06:17:29 PM »
When surfing the internet found a Chinese site with an interesting "Wauser"

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: chinese marks
« on: January 07, 2019, 07:32:38 AM »

Yes it was.It is sold last week on the German site : E gun.
I asked the seller for these pics to show on this forum.

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: chinese marks
« on: January 05, 2019, 01:26:49 PM »
and some more

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: chinese marks
« on: January 05, 2019, 05:09:15 AM »
More Pics

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / chinese marks
« on: January 02, 2019, 10:35:58 AM »
Have seen a c96/ m30 for sale.
On the left are 3 chinese marks.
What is the meaning of this ?

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Chinese .45
« on: December 27, 2018, 09:23:04 AM »
Last pics.It is fore sale a very long time now.
Today I visit him and took some pics.
It's in a good condition.

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Chinese .45
« on: December 27, 2018, 09:19:49 AM »
some more pics

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