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Messages - Mauro

Pages: 1 [2]
Hi Broomie,
From UK you can order the book directly from us (authors).

If you are interested in the Ottoman - Mauser long relationship you will be very happy from what the book can offer to you. Paul Mauser had a very good relationship with Abdul Hamid II. You will learn the frustration of Paul Mauser about the very limited acquisition of C96 compared with the huge amount of Mauser Rifle and Carbine acquired by the Ottoman Empire; Paul tried hard to push the Ottoman Empire to acquire more C96 but there was no interest about this pistol.

About the recipients, you will know who received the 1000 pistols and you will see also, for the first time, the Turkish C96 manual.

However, no photo of Turkish soldier with C96... and you will see the main reason why it is almost impossible finding a photo of a Turkish Soldier with a C96.

Can you please tell me the serial number of your Turkish C96 for my database? 


Mauro Baudino

Dear Broomie,
If you are located in Europe, you can acquire the book directly from the authors, please contact us here:

If you are located in USA, you can contact the publisher (Brad Simpson):

If you are located somewhere else fell free to contact either us or Simpson.

If you are interested in the early C96 contracts, you will find in the book a complete analysis of the first C96 contracts until 1914, when Paul Mauser passed away.

In particular, the Turkish, Italian, Persian and Mexican are analysed referring to the original material available in the archive. So you will have a complete picture of the contracts and also the good timing (not always correct in the books available so far).

Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me:

Best regards,

Mauro Baudino

Dear Broomie,
The entire history of the Mexican contract is available in the new book: Paul Mauser - His Life, Company, and Handgun Development 1838 - 1914.

I have here in the Paul Mauser Archive the original contract signed by Paul Mauser and the General Victoriano Huerta on the 20 April 1910.

This document is visible at page 437-438 of the mentioned book. The contract is accompanied by original letters exchanged by Paul Mauser and the Mexican high management and internal Mauser Company documents.

Bill, about the production per year, you can find in the book the original Mauser Accounting documents that provide detailed production figures per year. Additionally for each single C96 model (Carbine, 6,10 and 20 shot) tables are provided describing for each year the sale figures.

By the way, in the book you will discover who is the person that buy the first commercial C96 ;-)

From the original "Prima Nota" ledgers it is possible to trace the early and more interesting sale of the C96 pistol.

If you need more information you can contact the Mauser Archive at:

Visit also:

Best regards,

Mauro Baudino

General Discussion / Re: New book on Paul Mauser
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:11:06 AM »
More information about the book and researches can be found here:

In interested please contact:


Best regards,


General Discussion / New Paul Mauser Archive Web Site
« on: March 12, 2017, 01:55:57 PM »
Dear All,
In conjunction with the availability of the new book on Paul Mauser (Paul Mauser - His Life, Company, and Handgun Development 1838 - 1914) the Paul Mauser Archive web site has been updated with a (I hope) nicer graphical interface.

The web site has been simplified and information is directly linked to the book that contains a very large amount of detailed material.

Please when you have time, have a look:

I hope you appreciate the new updated web site.


Mauser Lugers / Mauser Parabellum Certification Service
« on: February 08, 2017, 01:24:36 PM »
Dear Fellow Collectors,
If you have a Mauser Parabellum pistol made after 1970, you will be probably interested in receiving a certificate.
Some of the original Mauser Parabellum production books are still available and this allows verification of when your pistol was produced, tested and delivered. Almost 95% of the Mauser Parabellum production in .30 Luger is documented in the ledgers and this is very good news for all the owners of the Mauser Parabellum in this calibre. The production of the Parabellum in .30 Luger is very limited (around 5000 pistols) making it a rare collectible when compared with 9mm Luger calibre pistols. Unfortunately, only a few hundred 9mm Mauser Parabellum pistols are documented in the ledger so documenting and tracking this model will be more difficult.
Some ledgers are also available for commemoratives as well as sport models.
This is a unique aspect of Post WW-II Mauser Parabellum production. In fact, these are the only Luger variations from any manufacturer for which the production books are even partially available.
Based upon this, I have decided to provide collectors with a useful certification service. If it is possible to track your Parabellum in the production books, you can receive a high quality certificate. It is a very nice document to associate with your Mauser Parabellum. Together with the certificate, you receive also a nice document containing high quality copies of some original Mauser Parabellum blue prints.
The cost for this service is $50  per certificate. There are no costs for verification in the ledgers, only for creating and delivering the certificate when your pistol is found in the factory documentation.
You can also ask for specific research in the archive.
Contact me via Email and provide the full serial number of your pistol:
Visit also to see samples of the certificate and blue print document.
Best Regards,

Mauro Baudino
Mauser Company and Firearms Historian

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