Diceman, Warbird is correct. Your HSc's slide should stay open when the magazine is removed and only close when the magazine is reinstalled. I'm having the same problem with a war era HSc. I would try another magazine. But that's another issue. I'll try to explain how your safety is working. When your slide is closed and the hammer is cocked and your safety is on your hammer will drop or de-cock when you pull the trigger. To help you understand this better remove you slide. Turn it upside down. Look at the rear of the slide and you will see the back of your firing pin. Now rotate your safety from safe to fire a few times noting that when you move it to the safe position it moves your firing pin up and away from where the hammer will strike. So, with your slide back on the gun. Cock the gun and put the safety on. You have now swung the firing pin internally out of position and away from the hammer. Now pull the trigger and the hammer will fall (or de-cock) not striking the firing pin. I like to hold my thumb on the hammer when I pull the trigger to allow it to fall more slowly. Now with the safety still on try to cock the hammer. It will not. Not by hand or by pulling the trigger. And remember because your safety is on the firing pin is up and out of position of the hammer. About as safe as you are going to get if a live round were in the chamber. Next time you are at the range with a live round in the chamber, hammer cocked, safety on, point down range and pull the trigger. Your gun will simply "de-cock" and not fire. Now, take the safety off and either cock the hammer by hand or fire the pistol by pulling the trigger. I hate de-cockers. If you don't handle the firearm an a regular basis they can scare the hell out of the average shooter. Well, long winded and I hope I have described this correctly.
You post is very timely, as I disassembled the pistol and examined the safety just a few minutes ago.
I now can see that when the safety is “on”, the firing pin is moved where it can not be hit by the hammer, essentially decocking the hammer.
When the safety is moved to “off”, the firing pin is in place to be struck by the hammer.
Case closed. Thanks.