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C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Crimping 30 mauser
« Last post by Osmosis on October 14, 2024, 08:15:23 PM »
68coupe asked about crimping the 30 Mauser when reloading. It was an old thread so I created a new one to respond.

I have the Lee 3-die set and the seating die has a crimp option. The instructions point out that if crimping you need to also trim the cases so that the crimp is uniform.
So it is an option but does not seem to be required. I crimped my boxer primed spent cases, but most of the time I was pulling bullets from Tokarev ammo and then reloading with some lower power Reddot charge, and in those cases I did not crimp. I never had any issues with either load.

WTP / Re: WTP 1 complete disassembly and assembly
« Last post by jarhead0321usmc on October 11, 2024, 10:05:14 PM »
Can I please get a copy of the pdf
Thank you
General Mauser Rifle Questions / ID Mauser barrel
« Last post by Mika on October 11, 2024, 01:28:46 PM »
Has anyone seen a Mauser barrel like this? I have a couple of Swedish 6.5x55 rifles, one a 1915 Carl Gustav all matching and a sporterized one I had built from parts years ago so I am familiar, sort of. I got this “new” barrel years ago from a guy selling a bunch of mixed Mauser parts. He believes it’s a 6.5x55, the profile is military, the markings are a Swedish crown, the letters C.O. Near the threaded end, the number 6(9?) and overall it is about 25 inches, unfinished (in the white). I do not have a nearby gunsmith anymore so any clues here would help. Thanks!
C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Loading/battery issue
« Last post by 68coupe on September 17, 2024, 04:59:42 PM »
Mr. Mason, Thanks for the reply. The folks that did the barrel reline are one of the most renowned gunsmith firms in the US. The gun ran just fine before I sent it to them. It was just all over the place on paper. When I got it back, it would fire with one in the chamber, but not with the mag full. After finding that out, I replaced the recoil and main springs. The main spring seems mighty tight when installing the plunger rocker, even though I am quite weak due to an extended hospitalization. I've only taken it down completely once. Just the one time when I first received it. It doesn't seem like this should be a BIG problem, perhaps even a break-in issue. I'm just trying to narrow it down, as I'd like to be able to take it to an event in October, and don't think the turnaround would meet my timeframe.

V/R Karl
C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Loading/battery issue
« Last post by 1914mauser on September 17, 2024, 02:06:58 PM »
Have you replaced any of the springs? And if you did have they been properly fitted? Diagnosing any issues via a forum is very difficult. Do you have access to a qualified gunsmith? Regards,
C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Loading/battery issue
« Last post by 68coupe on September 14, 2024, 09:08:32 PM »
I got my firearm back from the relining company and am very pleased with the results of that. My issue is that I can load and fire a single round, but when I load it with a strip clip, it will not go fully into battery. It lacks that last bit to activate the sear/trigger connection. I'm thinking that pressure from the underlying rounds are putting too much pressure on the bolt. Has anyone experienced anything like this? It ran just fine before the relining of the barrel. However, I could throw rocks more accurately than it was.

Thanks in advance, Karl, 68coupe
General Discussion / New guy
« Last post by BHESS666 on September 09, 2024, 05:49:11 PM »
Hello everyone, Bryan Hess here from PA. Avid outdoorsman, homesteader and gun enthusiasts. Ive never joined a forum but have read thousands of threads. I recenty purchased a Mauser from a collector and hve a bunch of questions on identification and such. I will, at some point here in the near future get good pictures for you knowledgeable eyes. Anyhow i cant wait to pick your brains.
C96 / C12 Broomhandle / 9mm Mauser Export C96 for sale on Gunbroker
« Last post by Farinacci556 on September 09, 2024, 02:02:07 PM »
Good afternoon to all. Any opinions on the gun described as to originality and value would be appreciated. It is a C 96 on Gunbroker bid up to $1425.00 It looks good to me but my knowledge of these is limited. I expect it will go for considerably more than the current bid but that's OK. THANKS EVERYONE
Model 1934 Pistol / Re: Mauser 1910/34 slide doesn't lock
« Last post by kgv1944 on August 26, 2024, 06:42:32 AM »
I managed to get the pistol working.
I gave the pistol a good squirt of oil, removed the bolt retainer spring, cleaned and moved the striker spring a little with a toothpick, and the bolt moved and locked.
Now everything works as it should.
Model 1934 Pistol / Re: Mauser 1910/34 slide doesn't lock
« Last post by kgv1944 on August 21, 2024, 06:14:31 AM »
Thank you for your answer. I am looking for ideas or experiences rather than a solution.

The slide overhangs the barrel for just 1 millimeter but that is as far as I can get it by hand.

As far as I can see it the problem started after dry fire. I can see the back of the striker coming through the hole in the back of the pistol.
Could it be that the problem is the strikers spring? Too long maybe?
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