« on: April 13, 2014, 12:32:53 PM »
Recently acquired HSc 01.15774, Nickel Finish. Gun is in excellent condition and appears to have had only minimal use. Purchased American Eagle .380 Auto 95 GR. FMJ AE380AP Ammunition and took the weapon to the range. It consistently fires the first round and then jams. The magazine had a slight bend as if the weapon had been dropped, so a new, identical magazine was acquired, which gives the same results.
The problem appears to be the bullet nose doesn't travel without friction into the receiver, and the result being the cartridge is consistently caught mid-point by the slide. We've taken the weapon completely apart and can't find any damage or malfunction in operation of individual parts. The same anomaly occurs when manually cycling rounds without firing. Insertion of the magazine properly loads a round into firing position, but subsequent rounds jam.
I'm wondering if there's an ammunition problem associated in this. I've acquired the recommended literature (an excellent historical reference, by the way), and have seen a mention of ammunition requirements as a casual comment from other sources, but don't know if different ammunition might cure the problem without modifying the gun. I'm certain someone has encountered this problem and would appreciate any insights.