« on: July 12, 2018, 06:29:23 AM »
Well, sort of.
This HSc, serial 951740, came from the Oberndorf region where it has been used by a local butcher to put down steer calves.
He needed to invest in an expensive gun safe in order to retain his license, so he chose to sell the pistol.
Unfortunately it has been given a slight overhaul in recent years, but the pistol is in good condition. It came with a set of post-war HSc grips, the original right grip was still with the gun. I installed a set of grips from a HSc that is only 1500 numbers away from this one, just for the time being until I find a replacement left grip.
Thie pistol is interesting as it remained in private hands in Oberndorf and it made it out of the factory without being proofed or accepted by either the French or German armed forces. Keeping guns in private hands after the German surrender was a capital offense, so people took great risks to keep and hide their hand guns. On the other hand, looking at how many guns still surface, it's safe to assume that the disarming of the general public was not carried out that thoroughly…
I suspect that this pistol had a phosphate finish originally. The hammer is not reblued and still retains that dull grey phosphate appearance.
The pistol came with the shown holster.