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Messages - mauserfan

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
General Discussion / Re: The old site
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:03:27 AM »
This can be done.  I had already started on this about a year ago and added a couple.  See the menu now on the main web site which is WordPress. 
I'd need a volunteer who is willing to copy over the old information and create the missing pages as well as curate some of the content we need to add.  Best fit is someone already familiar with Wordpress, but if not, it's pretty easy to learn.

General Discussion / Re: The old site
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:06:34 AM »
We are in the process of decommissioning the old hosting server where the old site resides.  The old site is also utilzing old code technology that is not maintainable going forwards.  Our primary focus will be on the forum here on the new site.  However, we can indeed take some of the old content such as articles, etc. and move them over. 
I will try to turn that site back on temporarily so you can retrieve what you may want to backup.   We will need to recreate some of the content on this new site, either inside the forum or outside the forum (top nav from home page).
Please indicate what is most important to retain.  You may email me at for faster attention from me.

General Discussion / Re: Some nice additional Mauser finds
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:58:11 PM »
Wow, that chair is spectacular!  What a great find.  I think a trip to Obendorf is in order.

A really good show if you can make it.

Also the JAG military show at the same time, same place.

The National Gun Day & Civil War Show will be held on Feb 28th - Mar 1st, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky. This Louisville gun show will be held at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center and hosted by National Gun Day Promotions of Kentucky. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed.

Will be hosted in the North Wing.

For more information about the National Gun Day & Civil War Show contact National Gun Day Promotions. All inquiries should be made directly to the Louisville gun show promoter. Including vendors and dealers looking for tables at the gun show.

Site Technical Help or Site Feedback / System Outage 7/25 - 7/28
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:32:36 AM »
Sorry for the weekend outage everyone.  I had applied some security patches that locked everything down too tight.  Should be good now, let me know if it is not.

Model 1914 Pistol / Re: Marking on a 1914?
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:21:31 AM »
That is a shame.

C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: Pawn shop find: Mauser Broomhandle Red 9
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:20:35 AM »
Great find!  You never know how these guns travel around the world. Perhaps a family member after a WW2 vet passed away... wanted to just get rid of it.   Well done

WTP / Takedown Method for WTP 1
« on: April 08, 2014, 06:00:57 PM »
See attached scan of a take down instruction from an old Rifleman magazine (if I recall correctly where I got it).

WTP / Re: WTP I & IIs
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:16:25 PM »
You have the choicest collections.  Never enough Mausers!

Non Gun Items / Re: Mauser Posters
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:14:42 PM »
Those are pretty cool

Model 1934 Pistol / Re: A treasure suddenly showed up...
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:13:13 PM »
Very Cool.  Love those mags.

General Mauser Rifle Questions / Re: Dads Mauser rifle from WW2
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:38:54 AM »
What an interesting story.  Can you post some photos?

General Mauser Rifle Questions / Re: Mauser accurate enough for coyote?
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:13:59 AM »
Hell yes it is accurate enough for coyote!  It's one of the most accurate weapons of it's type. 
German engineering!

General Discussion / Re: Mauser Cannon Dial indicator ?
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:13:18 AM »
Thats pretty cool.  Do you have a price in mind?

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