Model 1914 Pistol / New member with disassembly problem
« on: April 13, 2017, 05:39:05 PM »
Hello. Just bought my first 1914 last week. Serial number 181848. Can anyone date this closer than 1914 to 1923? I love the gun, great fun to shoot but I'm having a disassembly problem. I've watched the disassembly videos and read everything I could find to read and I think I'm doing it right. I lock the slide back, take the barrel out, pull the mag out and in, slowly let the slide forward till I can let the striker fall and then remove the mag. The slide will then move forward about 1/4 inch and comes to a dead stop against something. I can remove the grips, push the mag release spring back out of its notch and pull it down a half inch or so and then the slide will slide off. I"ve pulled the mag release spring all the way out and reinstalled it. Same problem with next disassembly. I've read that the spring can be installed wrong. Can anyone help? Thanks, Wayne!