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C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Want to buy Mauser C96 original firing pin
« Last post by parkchen on January 31, 2025, 01:22:58 PM »
Want to buy Mauser C96 original firing pin
General Discussion / Re: 1941 dou. Mauser
« Last post by militarypotts on January 29, 2025, 11:59:23 AM »
I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrect or not. Over 80 views and not one reply on my 1941 dou. Mauser rifle. I find this rather unusual to say the least. Was hoping for a few comments about its origins maybe. I'd love to post photos, but my laptop camera isn't working for me, sorry. :o :o
Argentine 1891 Rifle / Cavalry Carbine
« Last post by Pyro451 on January 27, 2025, 04:02:57 PM »

I have what I believe to be a cavalry carbine 1891. Not a sporterized rifle, but built to be a carbine.
I know very little about these guns so I searched and found this forum.

Here is a link to a Google Photo Album with pictures of the rifle and any stampings I could see without disassembling it.

I look forward to any knowledge you might be able to share about it.

Thank you!
General Discussion / Re: 1941 dou. Mauser
« Last post by militarypotts on January 26, 2025, 08:16:24 PM »
Forgot to say thank you in advance of any and all replies. Not sure where this rifles journey has taken it too. To many unanswered questions and just too many markings on it. Bolt operation is very smooth and the bolt has a straight handle to it.
General Discussion / 1941 dou. Mauser
« Last post by militarypotts on January 26, 2025, 07:14:49 PM »
Hello once again. Have some questions I hope can be answered on my 41 dated dou. Mauser. Very nice condition rifle, bore is very good, cleaning rod present as well as the bayonet lug. The stock has a sling swivel under rear buttstock and also on side near wrist of buttstock and of course on the rear barrel band. The rifle is about 43 and 1/4 inches total. Front sight guard present.
The rear of stock does not have a sling pass through cut out. It does have the metal disc on right side of stock rear. Rear butt plate appears to be slightly cupped. Not all numbers match and the bottom magazine plate is marked BYF. The left side plate reads G24(t) and there is a German eagle present, but slightly defaced. A couple of circled letter z's, among many other tiny markings I can't fully read. Then the most amazing thing about the rifle. The rear ladder sight is written in Farsi numbers. Maybe a Pursian rifle from what is now Iran?
I'd love to post pictures of it, but as usual I can't figure out how to do it. My laptop camera does not work. I'd be happy to text photos if somebody would except them.
This rifle has been in my military collection for many many years, but just decided to start fooling around with some of the more unusual weapons in my large collection.
Model HSC Pistol / HSc firing pin and extractor springs
« Last post by rftb_cowboy on January 21, 2025, 08:54:38 AM »
I just picked up what appears to be a GI bring back HSc, probably 1941 but HEAVILY chromed.
It was missing the extractor so I ordered a Wolff spring kit, new extractor and the buffers.
The spring kit doesn't identify which spring is which though.
When I took out the firing pin, its spring seemed pretty messed up so I figured I might as well replace it too, but again I have no idea which spring it it.
Can anyone help me out to identify what a typical firing pin spring looks like, how much longer than the actual pin should it typically be etc?
General Discussion / Looking for new owner of this web site forum
« Last post by mauserfan on January 18, 2025, 01:18:01 PM »
Hello all,
I am growing weary of managing this web site and I'm looking for someone to take over the reigns.  This forum has over 1650 members with similar interests, from all over the world.  The conversations in the forum groups have a wealth of historical knowledge by old timer experts who have been there done that.  Some no longer with us, and so their knowledge is a valuable asset to the collector community.

If you are technically inclined and can manage the web site yourself, or if you have financial resources to pay a web management person to maintain it, I'd like to chat. 
Please private message me.
Model 1910 Pistol / Re: Mauser 1910 year of manufacture pls
« Last post by GreenDream on January 07, 2025, 05:55:22 PM »
Hi 1914Mauser, thanks a lot for your complete reply.
Best regards.
Model 1910 Pistol / Re: Mauser 1910 year of manufacture pls
« Last post by 1914mauser on January 07, 2025, 12:27:26 PM »
Your .25 caliber Mauser pocket model, AKA Sidelatch or 1910 variation, was made in 1912. It is the first variation that was produced. It is not a 1910/34. Regards,
Model 1910 Pistol / Mauser 1910 year of manufacture pls
« Last post by GreenDream on January 01, 2025, 11:04:06 AM »
Hi there, I am new in this forum. I am italian from Milan and I am a gun collector although I do not have many firearms.
I recently found a complete Mauser 1910 and I am struggling to completely identify it. I am sure you will give me all the info I need.....
I believe I have a Mauser 1910/34 - Type III Model 1910 Caliber 6.35x16mmSR (.25ACP) probably produced just before WWI.

It shows 2 different serial numbers in different parts but apparently (according to the excellent site) all from the same period.They are 33152 and 33391.
Can you pls help me in giving a reasonable year of manufacture?

THanks a lot in advance and happy new year.

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