C96 / C12 Broomhandle / Re: New to me C96 with odd features... Help
« on: April 27, 2022, 08:43:33 AM »
The problem is to establish who ordered it, who rebuilt it, etc...
Mauser was notoriously sloppy when it came to issuing and registering C96 serial numbers. Many orders and smaller contracts were numbered in their own ranges and no records of those have survived (or found thusfar).
There are Mauser order books that survived, but these only list the order amount and not the serial numbers produced.
The New Safety was introduced in 1915, but it is difficult to tell if the gun with this serial number was built before or after 1915 and if the NS lockwork is a later addition.
Mauser was notoriously sloppy when it came to issuing and registering C96 serial numbers. Many orders and smaller contracts were numbered in their own ranges and no records of those have survived (or found thusfar).
There are Mauser order books that survived, but these only list the order amount and not the serial numbers produced.
The New Safety was introduced in 1915, but it is difficult to tell if the gun with this serial number was built before or after 1915 and if the NS lockwork is a later addition.