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Topics - spacemonkey333

Pages: [1]
Model HSC Pistol / Captured HSc
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:05:28 AM »
Looking to get some details about and value of this pistol.  Someone from another forum told me that it is a third variation police pistol issued to paramiltary forces in 1944.  I will upload better photos when I get the chance.  I will also upload photos of the items that were taken from the officer along with the pistol.  My Grandpa was a paratrooper during WWII.  He captured an officer and took this gun from him.  He also captured the officer's daily journal, his pen, flashlight and what my Dad believes to be a patch from his uniform.  My Dad had the journal translated years ago, but the lady said that the old German dialect was difficult to translate.  Hopefully I can submit photos of the other items soon.  Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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