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Messages - spacemonkey333

Pages: [1]
Model HSC Pistol / Re: Captured HSc
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:09:24 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Spacemonkey333.  In fact, you have a Late Wartime 2nd Variation Police HSc manufactured in April 1944.  The finish has deteriorated significantly, probably from being stored in the leather Holster and not being cleaned and oiled for quite some time.  The Holster is a German Army style and not Police.

Because of its deterioration, your HSc has lost considerable value and is of little collector value, perhaps $300 to $400.  But you have a fine memorabilia of your Grandfather.  Hope that helps ... anything else, let me know.
Thank you for the info!  The value is the least important part to me because it will only be passed down through the generations.  It is priceless to our family.  The deterioration is very unfortunate though. 

Model HSC Pistol / Captured HSc
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:05:28 AM »
Looking to get some details about and value of this pistol.  Someone from another forum told me that it is a third variation police pistol issued to paramiltary forces in 1944.  I will upload better photos when I get the chance.  I will also upload photos of the items that were taken from the officer along with the pistol.  My Grandpa was a paratrooper during WWII.  He captured an officer and took this gun from him.  He also captured the officer's daily journal, his pen, flashlight and what my Dad believes to be a patch from his uniform.  My Dad had the journal translated years ago, but the lady said that the old German dialect was difficult to translate.  Hopefully I can submit photos of the other items soon.  Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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