im new here...i recently bought a very,very nice 1937 Mauser Luger...all matching/collector grade
Last night I bought a 1944 HSC and a 1944 Mauser p38...both matching numbers/collector grade
ive been looking for a Mauser 1914 for a couple weeks...havent been able to find anything in really nice condition..
i was told to find a WW1 version...i see imperial marks on guns made well after WW1...seems like every gun has the imperial marks besides the commercial ones that say GERMANY on the sides
im just looking for advice on what each of you would look for and price range for a collector grade 1914...the one thing that is a must for me is the flame blue trigger,etc....i really love this finish on my Luger!
thanks for any advice in advance...and here's a pic or 2 of my luger