Author Topic: Replica mauser Carabine  (Read 9226 times)

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fred klinknagel

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Replica mauser Carabine
« on: December 12, 2018, 01:09:50 PM »
Hello, I'd like the " Mauser karabiner" very mutch.But the are hard to find and very expensive.
A few years back I found one for sale in Germany.It was changed to 8 mm blankfiring ( common caliber in Europe)and for that reason sold as a "salut" gun.Soon I knew that it was a fake.No matching numbers and build by Navy Arms from Chinese "scrap " guns.It was no collector item and I started to make it a bid more looking like the real deal.Took some time .Found a nice picture on the internet and made my own "look a like ". Some off the changes : longer for grip ,hand made buttplate from bone,
12 ich barrel in caliber 9x23 largo,new frontsight ,cone hammer(home made),some changes in the milling patern on the frame.



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Re: Replica mauser Carabine
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2018, 05:18:53 PM »
Hi Fred,

If you live in Holland, I hope you are a registered gun smith (erkenninghouder'). If not, the purchase and modification of this gun is very likely to be illegal there. Changing the caliber and modifying a blank gun into a live firing gun is prohibited there, unless you are a registered gun smith.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 05:21:41 PM by vlim »

fred klinknagel

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Re: Replica mauser Carabine
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2018, 06:39:27 AM »
Hello, Yes I have the papers ( sinds 1995 ) and work was made at the workshop of an official
gunsmith/ armsdealer /gun store in 2012.
The Mauser is official exported to a Austrian collector.
Wish had more pics of it .


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Re: Replica mauser Carabine
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2018, 07:31:28 AM »
It seems that you are aware that these were made from Chinese exports. The importers would use the examples with badly rusted grip frames to  create these "carbines". The workmanship varies mainly because of the condition of the example being converted. They are easy to spot as they do not have correct carbine features but they are affordable substitutes for a collector and can be fired without the concerns of damaging a rare original example. The hammer on the example shown appears to have been modified to resemble a Conehammer. All created carbines had 16" barrel to be legal in the US.

B. Mason
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fred klinknagel

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Re: Replica mauser Carabine
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2018, 08:07:11 AM »
Hello,this was a good condition mauser.To clear something up : In Germany there are blankfiring guns: original build as blank firing guns in special blank firing calibers like 8mm and 9 mm pak,thes guns made off cheap metals and free to buy at the age of 18. Very illigal to converd ! This Mauser was converted in Germany to a so called " salut gun". These are original guns converted to fire blanks( like reanactment ) made official by arms dealers.Free to buy at  age of 18.This Mauser had 3 holes drilled in the barrel and a steel pin in the front of the chamber to prevent loading live ammo.With the gun came a piecs off brass witch looked like a short case.With a central hole drilled.Put an official 8 mm blank in it and it will load and fire.Of course the gun do not cycle.For a licenced arms dealer it is possible to resrorated because it is official an original gun.It is not converting a blankfiring.And because it was yet a non collectible it was giving "better looks ". The buyer from Austria wants a non militairy caliber and so it is rebarreld in 9x23 largo.The looks were created from internet pictures.Sadly there is no 500m sight.Still no original Mauser Karabiner but it looks mutch better than the "original Navy Arms".I'am happy to share this story with other Mauser enthousiast.Found the pic of the example Mauser on the internet.Regards,Fred