Author Topic: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems  (Read 34779 times)

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Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« on: November 08, 2015, 08:24:40 PM »
I was recently given an Interarms Mauser HSc .380 and I love this thoughtfully elegant gun! I stripped, cleaned and oiled it and went to the range. It feels perfect in my grip and shoots really nice. However, it seems to have a couple of problems and so I come to the forum for your thoughts.

Issue#1: Slide does not lock back after firing last of 7 rounds and clip is empty. However it will then lock back if I rack it back. (and no, no limp wrist-ing going on here)

Issue#2: If I rack back with no mag installed the slide will lock back and then, as it should, slide shut when the mag is inserted.  If I rack back with an empty mag inserted the slide will lock back, however, it will snap shut unexpectedly if the bottom of the mag is tapped. Fortunately I discovered this without loosing any digits!  I notice that the bottom of the mag does not sit/seat flush to the bottom of the grip as I see in photos of other HSc’s. Rather, there is a .040 inch gap. Pushing on the mag will close the gap with a springy action and it then returns to the .040 gap position.  Looking in the breach I can see the magazine is in contact with the lever that I think Warbird  refers to as the magazine safety and it is providing the springy-ness. 

It seems as if the magazine catch is not properly capturing and pushing the mag fully into the gun. Yet the catch spring tension feels robust and I don’t see any obvious issues with the catch or the magazine metal-work. And .040 is quite a bit of extra play.

I’m flummoxed  !

I could take this to a gunsmith, and I may get there yet, but it’s not your typical gun and a lot of folks talk like they’re familiar with the gun and no problem they’ll fix it. But based on a few of their comments about how the gun is supposed to operate, I suspect they’re just blowing smoke, so to speak. So perhaps someone here can set me on the right path.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 09:55:51 AM »
Both your issues could be related to the same source that I have seen before.  In that case, an incorrect or after-market Magazine was being used.  So let's get the easiest solution out of the way first.  Is the Magazine an original Mauser with the logo stamped on the bottom Floorplate?  Then, does the Magazine Latch fit easily into the cutout in the Magazine Floorplate?

If those two things are OK, you will have to take off one of the Grip Panels and look for obvious play in the Magazine Latch Pin and/or incorrect seating of the Hammer Strut in the Latch.  As you might imagine, I think your observations are accurate and the Slide closure issue is probably related to the Magazine not seating correctly ... that's why I want you to look for something in the Latch mechanism.

Let me know what you find or question about all this.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2015, 03:29:47 PM »
Warbird: Thank you for the response and your interest.  Based on what I’ve learned from your other posts, the mag looks original and the floorplate and cutout appear in good condition.

See  photos showing the inserted mag with its protruding .040 inches and not fully engaged with the magazine safety lever.

I have 8 related photos and see that I can only attach 4 per post so I will do this (attach photos) in two posts. Except I keep getting an error msg to contact the forum administrator or some such thing so instead I will try giving you a Share Link to the photos in my cloud account and see if that works. :!20950&authkey=!AJCza4XDadBQllM&ithint=folder%2cJPG

The mag catch does not seem to be driving the mag all the way into the gun. Hopefully the photos and your experience will provide an answer as to why…? It is as if the notch in the  ‘heel’ of the catch is too shallow and is stopping the catch from pivoting forward sufficiently to push the mag properly into the gun. 
I can see the end of the hammer strut sticking thru and into the magazine catch and I don’t understand the functioning relationship of these two parts.

If you suspect something is incorrect with the magazine catch, please tell me what you can about disassembly because it looks like the hammer spring and such could make the disassembly/assembly difficult.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and sorry for the photo problem. I tried to attach 4 photos each sized at 1024x800 pixels and none larger than 600kB but the post was rejected.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 04:22:51 PM »
From what I can see on your photos, it looks like the Magazine Latch has been filed away on the underside for some reason so the Magazine is not pushed upward enough.  Here is a photo on eBay that shows a Latch as part of a group.  You can scan over it for a larger view:
Does it appear that way to you?  If it does then you will have to get a replacement Latch off eBay or GunBroker.  You should be able to lift the Hammer Strut enough to clear the Latch and it will drop out (or drive the Latch Pin out of the Frame).  Of course, take the tension off the Mainspring by uncocking the Hammer.

Let me know if my observation is correct when you make the comparison to the eBay picture.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 04:31:04 PM by Warbird »


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2015, 11:02:53 PM »
Warbird: Once again thanks for your continuing response.
I looked hard at the ebay link you posted but could not find the mag catch. I suspect you saw the sear at 12 oclock. But I took your cue and searched for HSc Mag Catch Release, Hammer strut assys, and such. Came up with many that look similar but none exactly like mine (I bit the bullet and disassembled it. Photo hopefully attached to this post). I'm guessing this is the difference between the pre-war and 1970 version that I have. The rectangular studs protruding .030 from both sides of the catch is a feature I have not been able to find in any photo or replacement part.

Based on examination of many photos and microscopic exam of my own Catch, I'd say it is not a modified item. But I still can't see why there is a problem with the clip/mag not being properly seated into the gun. The design looks unmodified and yet it is not (apparently) functioning correctly.

I sent a private msg to VWPIECES on this forum because he may have the identical gun and recently posted (and you responded) regarding some aspects of his piece. He may be able to shed some light on this....


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2015, 11:34:43 AM »
I've ordered a replacement mag catch. Should get it this week and it will be interesting to compare it to the one in my gun. Will install it and see if it resolves the issue. Though I am perplexed at how this catch is apparently an original Interarms HSc part and yet so different from a standard HSc.  And a design that is not doing the job correctly....It's difficult to believe that 1000's of Interarms pistols were made with a catch that doesn't work correctly so I must be missing something.
But the experiment will resume with the new catch this week.
If anyone out there (perhaps VWPIECES) has a 1970's HSc and can photograph the catch it would be interesting.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2015, 04:19:18 PM »
I can not see any difference to the mag catch seating in the pistol compared to my gun.
I mentioned in my previous posts that the replacement Wolff recoil springs were lighter than what ever it was that came in my gun. I assume it may have been a stock spring. I have also replaced the +5% Mag & firing pin springs with the Wolff package.
This is where I assume you slide is not locking back due to the Heavy spring & ammo used... As it does lock back when racking the slide.   

I do need better pics of the Magazine. I think it may be the issue or simply the wrong mag. I do not have the same magazine & I only have one magazine.
Mine is the late (correct) one for the Interarms 380 & it has the finger rest floor plate. Been looking for a second Mag but not going to pay $100 for it nor am I going to buy a cheap replacement. There are slight differences in feed lips cut-out I have noticed & I have some thoughts you may have a 32 acp mag.

I keep adding to this post.... I should also point out that I reload my own ammo. Where I can tune the ammo to the function of the gun.

I bought this gun on a whim & sorta regret it. Not something I would ever consider carrying or put many rounds through.
Wish I bought the HK4 sitting next to it that day. Or what I originally wanted & has been on my WANT List,,, a PPKS
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 04:51:29 PM by vwpieces »


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2015, 06:35:42 PM »
VWPIECES: Thanks for taking the time to  reply. I hate mysteries and intend to track this one to ground until it is solved!
My mag is definitely not properly seated (you can see that in some of the photos) and it is not properly engaging the mag safety. This could be, as you suggest, a magazine notch issue or the catch. You might notice the catch has a rectangular stud protruding from both sides and those studs stop the catches forward movement when the studs butt up against the pistol frame.  From what I've seen, these studs are not on pre-war HSc's. Rather, they depend on the heel of the catch to stop the forward motion.  Anyway, I've ordered a new catch and it will be interesting so see what comes in the mail and if it functions any different from the one I've got.
RE HK4: I considered those because they are the same design as the HSc. Alex Seibel of HK ripped off his earlier design from when he was at Mouser. HOWEVER, and this is a big one; the HK has a very lame plastic suppressor in it that is known to fail and who wants that!!?


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2015, 07:03:25 PM »
This could be, as you suggest, a magazine notch issue or the catch.

My Magazine suggestion is to the feed lips & cut-out at the feed lips. Not at the magazine catch. And why I would like to see more pics of the magazine to see if it is possibly the wrong magazine.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2015, 07:55:33 PM »
Here are 3 photos that will perhaps give you the views you'd like. I shot all my .380 so the casing is all I have :-)
mmm. My image attachments were rejected by the forum for some reason so I put them in the share folder found in my previous post above in this string. (don't know why I couldn't attach (3) images each of which is 1200x800 and 500kb)

Thanks for your continuing interest.



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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2015, 10:01:13 PM »
your Magazine looks OK. However my follower does sit higher out of the feed lips.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 10:12:35 PM »
More pics w/ mag inserted


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2015, 10:35:58 PM »
Great pictures. Thank you.
Yes, I see how your mag catch position appears the same as mine. However, your mag is fitting flush to the base of the pistol butt vs mine which is extending .040. It is the springy pressure from the mag safety that keeps the mag from seating all the way. It is as if the mag safety spring is too robust.  You see this in my image 8941. The mag safety is barely clearing the trigger catch.
I will see what the new mag catch coming in the mail does for me.
I may just buy another Interarms HSc that does not have this mag problem so I can take it apart !
Thank you again for those excellent photos.


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2015, 11:17:52 PM »
took off the slide & grip panel...


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Re: Interarms HSc Slide Locking & Mag Seating Problems
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2015, 01:27:48 AM »
Another set of good pictures. Exactly the perfect angle and sequence. You can see that your mag is fully inserted and properly lifting the mag safety, which mine is not doing. So, its either that mag catch or its the mag safety spring is too 'robust'.
I'll figure it out. Thanks for your help.

And don't dump the HSc for the HK4. That plastic piece in the HK4 sounds cheesy at best.