More Questions:
- When was this gun manufactured? (Everyone has to ask this one!)
- What is the meaning of the engraving “R. Bödecker Hamburg.”? Is this a personal name? A sales agent name? A police agency name?
- Is this the correct magazine for this gun? It is a VERY tight fit. But, it activates/releases slide hold-open correctly.
- Gun fires but will not extract cases. Cases get stuck in barrel about half-way out; must be driven out with dowel. Is magazine possibly blocking cases from extraction? Is there some other cause for stuck cases? Anyone else have similar problem?
More photos to follow.
First a clarification, you have a 1910/14 New Model. Made after the Sidelatch model.
Manufacture date 1914-1915, I'll have to check data, for exact year, I do not have access to at the moment.
I would think the engraving is a previous owners name and hometown.
The magazine is correct for this model variation. Called a "Split or T-tail" magazine.
Sounds like an extractor, ejector issue. A competent gunsmith should be able to tell.
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